
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Messenger Evangelistic Ministries Int'l is a missions oriented church, focused on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through serving and loving people.  
MEMI has helped to build churches in Madagascar, Burkina Faso and is now helping to support a school in Ouagadougou and Rihalo, Burkina Faso.  

Are you looking for an opportunity to impact others lives?  
Here is an opportunity to help children go to school, to see their dreams become a reality and give them the foundation to be impact makers for their generations. 

Get involved today!

Schools in Burkina Faso
We have over 1,000 students enrolled in 3 schools.  
We need to raise $20,000 to complete painting, purchase 
desks, curriculum, bibles and furnish the admin building.

NEW Sewing School - We need to purchase 15 sewing machines

Child Sponsorship
Over 250 of students need sponsors.
  Sponsorship covers tuition, uniform, books, supplies,
lunch and assists with  teacher salaries.

Rihalo Christian Elementary, High School
and Sewing School

Grace School - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
French Sign Language Teaching

If you would like to support our missions efforts, please contact us.